Sunday Service Schedule
8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
*10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist & Church School
Healing Prayers are offered the last Sunday of each month.
Family Service held once per month. See Grace calendar for dates and times.
June through August
9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
* Occasionally, special services may take precedence over our regular service schedule requiring a change of time in the regular schedule.
Please click on Upcoming Events for any special service announcements.
Please come and join us! All are welcome here at Grace Episcopal Church. Whether it’s one of our regular Sunday services, our monthly family service, morning prayer or one of our special services held throughout the year, visitors find Grace Episcopal Church to be warm, welcoming and a friendly place to worship God. Our 8:00 a.m. service is a quiet, contemplative service for those who enjoy the early morning. Our 10:00 a.m. service includes music with our choir and organist. For those wishing to become more actively involved in worship, our altar guild, acolytes, lay readers and choir always welcome new members.
Special services during the year also include:
Epiphany Pageant is one of the most heartwarming services of the year with the Sunday school re-enacts the birth of baby Jesus in a costumed pageant filled with angels, shepherds and even wandering little sheep.
Ash Wednesday Services mark the beginning of Lent. It is a time to begin the journey of the 40 days of preparation that lead up to Christ’s glorious resurrection.
Mothering Sunday, the fourth Sunday in Lent, is a British tradition equivalent to our Mother’s Day. Grace Church observes the day by distributing Simnel Cake at the 10:00 service and serving it during coffee hour.
Palm Sunday gives worshipers an opportunity to not only hear God’s word in scripture, but to experience it with all the senses. The Passion play breathes life and meaning into the Gospel reading with its colors, costumes and drama as we experience Jesus on the road to Calvary.
Maundy Thursday is one of the most moving services during the Holy Week. We are reminded of Christ’s forgiveness during the ceremonial foot washing. The stripping of the altar and darkened sanctuary at the end of the service starkly contrast the beauty and light that await us on Easter Sunday morning. A special “last supper” of chicken nuggets for the children and a foot washing offers the children an opportunity to experience and participate in this service on a level they can understand and learn from.
Good Friday is a time when we remember the stations of the cross at a special service on this Friday before Easter. We walk with Jesus on his journey to the cross. A version of the stations is also offered for children during an afternoon lesson.
Great Vigil of Easter is joyously celebrated each year with Emmanuel Lutheran Church. We light the new fire and celebrate “passing over” from darkness to light with candles, music and more.
Easter Sunday is the center of our faith and the highlight of our worship year. The church is gloriously decorated and special music is offered. The service is followed by an Easter egg hunt for the children.
Dirt Sunday is the day when Grace Church's beautiful gardens get blessed - including the Contemplative Community Orchard and historic Sunken Garden. Our home gardens are not forgotten. Everyone is urged to bring a scoop of dirt from their home gardens to be blessed. The dirt is deposited in a wheelbarrow, blessed and as we leave the church we take a scoop of blessed soil to deposit in own garden for a fruitful and prosperous growing season.
Pentecost—The fire and wind of the Holy Spirit descends upon the apostles on Pentecost. Our Gospel reading is translated and read in several languages, displaying our diversity and our oneness simultaneously.
Blessing of the Backpacks - all school-age children, college students, school teachers and professors, school administrators and anyone associated with schools and education are invited to bring their backpacks and briefcases to be blessed before the new school year begins.
Blessing of the Animals—“All Creatures Great and Small, The Lord God Made them All.” At the Blessing of the Animals service in the fall, we acknowledge and celebrate the beauty, mystery and wonder of God’s creation surrounded by the peaceful beauty of the historic Sunken Garden and the company of our beloved pets.
Blessing for Halloween gives the children an opportunity to wear their Halloween costumes to church but also provides a blessing for a safe and fun experience.
St. Nicholas and the first Sunday in Advent service in early December reminds us of the real saint and bishop who embodied selfless giving and generosity during his lifetime. His presence during the service is a much anticipated event by both the young and the young at heart.
Christmas Eve Family Service is a warm, inviting service for all ages, but especially for those with children. It begins with young musical talents as children play the piano and sing Christmas hymns…and ends with a darkened, candlelit church and the singing of the hymn “Silent Night.”