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The Rev. R. John Brockmann, Rector


A Special Note from your Rector


Dear Grace Church Family Members,


I am writing to let you know that according to the Canons of the Episcopal Church, I must resign as rector at Grace Episcopal Church, Norwood when I reach the age of 72 on May 25th. Thus, my last day at Grace will be the Sunday after the Memorial Day weekend on Trinity Sunday, June 4, 2023, at a 10:30 Eucharist.


As I prepare to take leave of Grace, please know that I value the friendships and ministry, the joys and sorrows we have shared, and our growth in the love of Jesus. I must resign as Grace Church’s rector, but I am not resigning my work as a priest, and I hope to continue, with God’s grace, as an interim priest at parishes in the diocese going through transitions just as Grace is about to begin.


After leaving Grace Church on June 4, I want you to understand that I will no longer have a pastoral relationship with you. You will have a new pastor in your midst, and so it will no longer be my role to officiate at baptisms, weddings or funerals for members of Grace; that privilege will belong to the priest who comes after me. I will also take care not to talk about parish matters with you or parish leaders. After leaving, I will not post to Grace’s social media sites.


In the coming weeks, we will have a chance to say goodbye to each other and to reflect on the ministry we have offered together in Christ’s name in this place.


I know that you will offer the new priest your support, your encouragement and your prayers as together you begin a new season of ministry. Please know of my prayers and gratitude for you and for the ministry we have shared.



Fr. R. John Brockmann

Click here for link to Fr. John's Evolution of the Food Forest Presentation

Joohwa Park, Music Director


Joohwa has over 20 years of musical experience in the Boston area and in Korea before that. Her experience in churches includes both organist and choir director. She most recently worked at First Parish Church (UUA) in Billerica. Joohwa is a mother of two children and she lives together with her husband in Wellesley. 

Heather Belden, Parish Secretary


Heather joined Grace Church as parish secretary in May of 2022. A mom of two boys and trained in architecture, Heather enjoys graphic design and communications and views this opportunity as a ministry. Heather is a graduate of the Education for Ministry program through Sewanee University as well as a Godly Play teacher. 

Olivia Manson, Sexton


Church sexton Olivia Manson joined Grace in 2023. Olivia is very committed to the upkeep of the church.

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